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How I can help you

CALM mindfulness workshops

If you and your team want to learn how mindfulness can help you feel clearer and calmer in times of high stress, this workshop is packed with practical tools and information.


You'll learn how our natural stress responses work and discover everyday steps you can take to restore and maintain a sense of inner balance.

Wellness coaching packages

I offer bespoke wellness coaching, delivering tailored packages for your team or organisation.


I get to the heart of your wellness needs, work with you to identify the right solutions, create a clear plan of action, and directly support you and your team to boost overall wellbeing.

Other options 

If you'd like to work with me but can't find exactly what you're looking for on this site, I'm always happy to tailor mindfulness sessions, guided meditations and wellness coaching to suit your needs.

Get in touch to let me know what you're looking for, and we can discuss creating a bespoke service for you. 

About my 
CALM framework

I've distilled key mindfulness tools and concepts into everyday steps, to help you declutter your mind, focus on the here-and-now, and manage your thoughts and feelings more effectively.



Getting centred in the present moment, so you can restore balance in times of high stress.



Taking steps to better understand and support your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing with mindful awareness.



Cultivating peace of mind by learning how to effectively let go of barriers to inner calm.



Incorporating day-to-day mindfulness for whenever you need to restore a sense of inner peace.

About me

I'm Nadine Saad, your Wellness Coach and

Mindfulness Teacher. 

I give you and your team the tools to navigate stress with clear, calm minds. 


I’m an Accredited Member of ACCPH, certified Corporate Wellness Coach, certified Mindfulness Teacher, certified Meditation Teacher, certified Life Coach and certified RTT® practitioner.

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