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If you're ready to form meditation habits you love...

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You know you want to meditate more consistently.

You've meditated before, but as wonderful as it is, you can't seem to make it a regular habit or practice.

Whether that's because you find it challenging to do, struggle to find time to meditate, or you're simply unsure of where to start for your own meditation routine.

If this sounds like you, I've got you covered!

How the challenge works

Over the 21 days, you'll receive daily guided meditations, tips and prompts aimed at giving you the tools to cultivate a consistent meditation practice that works for you.

These meditations will support you with:

Harnessing the mind-body connection to relax and tune into your wellbeing needs

Listening to your intuition

Getting grounded and

centering your awareness in the present moment

Calming and decluttering the mind


31 July - 20 August 2023

Replays of all guided meditations and any other activity will be available online, so you can log on and catch up each day at whatever time works best for you - in any time zone.

Time commitment

 All meditations and daily activity should take no more than 30 minutes in total to complete. Some days may require as little as 10-15 minutes of your time.

You can fit the meditations and other activity around your daily schedule at your convenience.

What you'll receive

Daily guided meditations

Light tasks, prompts and guidance aimed at helping you cultivate your own everyday meditation practice and routine

Direct support from me throughout the 21 days to answer any questions about what you're learning - and about meditation more generally!

A small group of like-minded fellow participants learning alongside you

By the end of the
21 days...

You'll have learned and practised a number of meditations that you can do without guidance

You'll be clear on which meditations do and don't work for you

You'll have started cultivating an everyday meditation practice to stick with after the challenge is over

Why this challenge?

As a meditation teacher, I want you to get the best out of meditating.


I know it works, because it's helped me so much. But I also know that it will work best for you if:


a) you find ways of meditating that you actually enjoy

b) you find sustainable ways of incorporating these meditations into your everyday life


And that's exactly what this challenge is designed to help you achieve.   

The logistics

The challenge will be held in a private invite-only Facebook group (only registered participants will be able to access and see this group and its activity). 

Meditations and other activity will be posted each day in this group, so replays and prompts will be available for you to access at your convenience.

Ready to join?

Cost: £50 (GBP) per person

If this sounds like just the jumpstart your meditations need, contact me directly to sign up.

Last day to register: 29 July 2023

You can either contact me by email


or message me via one of the social media channels below. 

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook

About your coach

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I'm Nadine Saad - a coach and meditation teacher giving high achievers everyday tools to cultivate and anchor into a deeper sense of inner calm.


I support them to hear their intuition more clearly, find emotional peace and lead themselves through challenges feeling clearer, calmer and more grounded.

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